
Monday, 26 May 2014

Health: Possible Ways of Reducing V***ina Odour

Although many people think differently, a smelly v**ina is not necessarily a dirty v**ina, nor is it necessarily a sign of vaginal infection. Instead, a smelly v**ina is usually a sign that there is an imbalance of good and bad bacteria. Good bacteria in the v**ina produce some secretions that help the v**ina to self-cleanse properly. However, smell gets very unpleasant when too many bad bacteria overtake the good ones. Lots of products in the market claim to get rid of v**ina odor. However, majority of them contains harsh chemicals, scents, dyes, and scent covers. These can often make your v**ina smell worse off. Don’t forget they’re in business to make a profit. So are you struggling with a smelly v**ina? Then you are in the right place. Here are few tips to get you a healthy v**ina free of unpleasant smells.

1. Allow plenty air into v**ina area First of all, you need to allow your vaginal area to “air out” whenever you get the chance. This means going without pants or underwear whenever you have the opportunity, especially while sleeping. If you cannot stand to be bare-bottomed, at the very least you should switch to wearing cotton underpants. These will maximize the air flow to your v**ina and give the bad bacteria less opportunity to grow and fester. One easy switch is to wear loose skirts instead of tight pants. Wearing tight pants restricts the flow of air between your legs, which allows the bad bacteria to grow and multiply. In contrast, wearing loose skirts allows your vaginal area to air out. In addition to being more comfortable, this will help you to cure a smelly v**ina more quickly.
2. Daily washing/changing of your underwear Always keep your undergarment clean. Make sure you change them at least daily and wash them in hot water to kill any stubborn bacteria. This will help to get rid of sweat and bacteria may have been trapped, leaving you feeling and smelling better.
3. Change your diet What you eat has great effects on the smell of your v**ina. Eat a healthy diet that contains very little processed foods and sugar. These foods change the pH of your v**ina, and could affect the smell. Sweet v**ina smell and taste can be produced by vegetables high in chlorophyll, like wheatgrass, parsley, and celery, fruits and spices like cinnamon, peppermint, and cardamom. On the other hand, foods such as coffee, onions, meat, dairy, garlic and strong spices have the potential of changing your vaginal odor to something very unpleasant.
4. Take unflavored yoghurt or probiotics Taking plain unflavored yoghurt that contains live active cultures regularly. This is a good way of reintroducing some of the good bacteria that would have been destroyed in the v**ina and restoring normal vaginal ecological balance. Probiotics are also very good products. These products contains millions of live bacteria that when taken helps to keep your v**ina healthy and free of unpleasant odor.
5. Shower every day to clean your v**ina Take your shower at least once daily, but twice daily is much better. While in the shower, use a soft cotton washcloth damped in water to gently wipe down the outer labia. After, gently wipe the inside of the labia and then down to your b*tt crack. Rinse well. If you work out, sweat excessively, go swimming, or are involved in some other sweat-inducing activity, another shower won’t hurt. Just be sure to avoid taking a bath, as the dirt, sweat, and bacteria aren’t washed away so much as steeped around your body.
6. Keep your v**ina dry For the same reason that taking a long, hot bath isn’t the best way to get clean, vaginas need to keep dry. While some moisture is just part and parcel of having a v**ina, letting moisture and sweat stew down there is a recipe for odor. Make sure that your v**ina has had ample time to dry after the shower. Change out of clothing that is damp or sweaty, shower after excessive exercise or swimming, and be sure to give your v**ina plenty of (in private) air time.
7. Use a mild, unscented soap when washing your v**ina It may seem to go against your natural instincts, but if you have vaginal odor, you should use a very mild soap with no added scents or dyes. The simpler you can go the better. The closer to natural you can get, the less interference there will be with natural bacterial ecology of the vaginal. Keeping the natural bacteria in balance will get rid of excess vaginal discharge, get rid of odors, and help prevent itching and irritation.
8. Don’t use antiseptic soaps, douche or body wash on your v**ina Body washes and body scrubs are rarely anything but a conglomeration of highly irritating scents and dyes. Some contain oils, synthetic compounds, and even minute pieces of plastic. While these may smell nice and fresh when you uncap the bottle, these chemicals will do nothing but disrupt the delicate skin of the v**ina. In the end, this can cause an imbalance of bacteria and excessive odor, discharge, and irritation. Antiseptic soaps should as well be avoided as well. These products kill the good bacteria and predispose one to having v**ina thrush infection. It’s a common misconception that douching is the best way to clean your v**ina. Many over-the-counter douches contain artificial scents and harsh chemicals. Let’s face it: a v**ina should not smell like strawberry fields or summer breezes. They just shouldn’t. Even the douches that are gentle are often unnecessary.
9. Avoid multiple s*xual partners Resist the urge to have multiple s*x partners. Studies show a correlation of multiple s*x partners with recurring infections of bacterial vaginosis even though it isn’t a sexually transmitted disease
10. Carefully select your pads/tampons Give serious consideration to the type of sanitary products you use. Pads or tampons that contain deodorant are an ‘insult’ to the delicate vaginal tissues. Most sanitary pads and tampons could contain bleaches, plastics, and dioxins from recycled materials. These chemicals are absorbed by the reproductive system. These have very serious health implications. Switch to a brand that keeps you dry, has no chemicals at all, is biodegradable, and prevents infections with unique technology.
Sanitary pads as the name implies should be clean and hygienic! Store them in a very clean place. Make sure they are wrapped to keep out infectious bacteria. Store your box of pads or tampons in the bedroom, not the bathroom where germs become airborne every time you flush the toilet. Sanitary pads have an expiration date on them. Beyond this expiration date, the pads will have accumulated too much bacterial contamination, even though they are in a ‘wrapped’ package. Throw them out if they’re past the expiration date.

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